Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 8 Day 3

Whoops, I seem to have forgotten to include two days in my big ole' post yesterday.  I am sure it was nothing noteworthy.  Probably just peanut butter sandwiches again.

Today, we were out of bread.  I looked around and saw hamburger buns and tortillas.  I decided on the tortillas.  I put some cheese on it and then put it in the toaster oven to melt the cheese.  Once the cheese was melted, I pulled it out and spread a bit of pesto over the top of that.  I sprinkled some more cheese, then diced a tomato and spread that across the surface of the tortilla.  I rolled the whole thing up and wrapped it in tinfoil.

I gave him half a pear, a small bag of carrots, a cheese stick, and popped some popcorn and included that for him.  I also gave him half juice half water.

Guess what, he ate everything!  Seriously, I am thrilled.

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