Today, I decided to switch it up a little. No sandwich for Keith today! No, indeed. Instead I made some hummus and put it in a jar. I cut up some vegetables (carrots and celery) and placed them in a bag. I also added some garden fresh cherry tomatoes and spinach to another bag. All of the veggies were for dipping. I also put some crackers in a bag for dipping as well. I gave him some strawberries and as a treat, a little bit of whipping cream to dip the strawberries in. For his drink, he had some apple juice. And I really need to take a picture of his bounty before packing it all up.
The lunchbox picture is his. The food on the plate is what Faye and I had for lunch. Essentially the same thing minus the strawberries and crackers, but add in a cheese stick.
Can I just say, those tomatoes are to die for! They taste like they were planted in a pile of sugar and watered with honey. I actually cringed a little from the sweetness of them. Too sweet, almost. Those babies could have been eaten with the whipping cream! I am sure they were less astringent than the strawberries. Yum!
So, when I picked Keith up from school, today, his lunchbox seemed a little too heavy. I unzipped it, and everything tumbled out. He had eaten his strawberries, licked the dish of whipping cream clean, and he had eaten his celery. That was it.
I tell you, this boy is making it hard for me to do the whole lunch thing. When I give him pb&h over and over, he eats it. When I try to mix things up and add a little bit of flavor, he leaves it, and Faye and I eat it on the ride home. Because those tomatoes?
To. Die. For.
I am learning that Keith's palate is a lot like Jeffrey's. They like things simple and boring. Hummus? Not for them. Herbs and spices? They turn their noses up at those, too. But give them a frozen bean and cheese burrito every day for a year and they will be as happy as a clown. The smiling clowns, not the frowny ones.
At any rate, tomorrow will be another experiment, so fingers are crossed to see how he does on that one.
This is precisely the important information I'd been searching for. Incredible blog. Very inspirational! Your posts are so good and also detailed. The links you come with are also very beneficial as well. Many thanks :)
What about mixing a little peanut butter in the hummus? Maybe that would make the taste more familiar.
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