Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Lunch/ Company Barbecue

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Last night Jeffrey sent me a message before he got home from work.

I did not need to make him a lunch as they were having a department barbecue.

I was planning on making him a crunchy veggie wrap, but seeing as how he wouldn't have taken it today, I was off the hook.

So that will be used next week.

Thus far, I think this experiment is working out beautifully!  So glad I decided to try it.

Now, I am trying to work up the courage to email someone I greatly admire and ask for some ideas.  If I have enough guts to do it, I will tell about it.  We will see.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

E-mail him!

He'll be impressed by your efforts!


He's pretty cute, too.

You are talking about JO, aren't you?