Friday, August 24, 2012

Multi-grain Garden Tomato Sandwich

Wednesday night I forgot to make Jeffrey a lunch, so Thursday morning I got up early and while I was cooking some delicious food for the children (we had eggs and toast) I threw together a lunch for my darling man.  He told me the day before that he didn't like herbs much.  He doesn't like to dress up his food, and to please not add so many herbs to what I make for him.  He wasn't a big fan of the rosemary, which I think is tragic because rosemary is one of my favorite herbs!  Thanks to Jamie Oliver I have learned it can go in about everything.  Savory dishes, sweet dishes, and it always makes it a yummy dish.  At least in my opinion.  At any rate, not so many herbs.  Check.

So, Thursday Jeffrey got a multi-grain Garden tomato sandwich, apple slices and peanut butter, peanuts, and a cheese stick.  I wanted to put lots of our garden basil on the tomato sandwich, because tomato and basil are so complimentary, but I remembered his admonition from the night before and refrained.  
To make the sandwich, I got two slices of mulit-grain bread, slathered on some mayo (the boy loves his mayo.  He has in the past made mayo sandwiches.  Just bread and mayo.  And been over the moon happy.), sliced up a freshly picked tomato, and put some lettuce leaves on the other mayo-ed up slice of bread.  Yes, mayo on both slices.  If he could marry a condiment, he probably would have passed me up and gone straight for the mayo.  Then I just put the the bread slices together.  Pretty easy.  Always delicious.  Especially if you substitute the spinach for basil, and sprinkle a little bit of salt on the tomato to enhance and pull out the flavor.  Yum!  But Jeffrey doesn't like salt.  Or herbs.  So his was somewhat boring but still delicious.  I know, because that is what I had for lunch as well.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

You are a trooper Miss Amy! Looks delish!