Monday, October 8, 2012

Week 9 Day 1

Today I decided to try something new.

I am tired of making peanut butter and honey sandwiches.  Even if Keith isn't tired of eating them, I thought he needed some variety in his lunch.

I need to have a little variety in the way I make his lunches, too.

I did a little internet surfing for inspiration and then went into the kitchen to see what sort of magic I could make.

I pulled out the cookie cutters and a peach.  I cut the peach into 1 inch slices, and put a cookie cutter through the middle of them.  The pear sliced up looked like a ghost.  I really wanted to make it into a ghost, but didn't have the proper tools for it, so I just let him pretend.  :)  I gave him some carrots, a ghost fruit leather, a cheese stick, and for dessert, he got half a cinnamon roll.  And now, for the finale.  I made him a peanut butter and.....
raisin sandwich!

Yup.  Peanut butter and raisin.  I know, it is crazy, and to me sounds awful.  But Keith absolutely loves raisins, and I have mentioned several times about Keith's love affair with peanut butter.  I know he likes peanut butter and raisins on celery for ants on a log.  I thought I would make it into a sandwich.

Doesn't sound very good, does it?

He didn't like it much, either.

But at least he ate the whole thing.

And he ate nearly all of the lunch.

I was impressed.

And oh so pleased.

I guess there is something to making it look attractive.  I mean, the sandwich had a fun little stamp on it.  A smiley face that said smile on it.  And he ate the whole thing.  So.  I am thinking I need to spruce things up a little bit.  I will begin to invest in bento things.  I guess.  I figure it wont be a bad investment, especially if Keith loves his lunches, right?

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