Monday, August 20, 2012

The Beginning of a Journey

When I was a kid I used to joke about how gross school lunches were.  Not that I knew.  I was a home lunch kid.  I would watch the kids with their school lunches with envy and then with a heavy heart I would turn to my brown paper sack and pull out a squished peanut butter and honey sandwich, a tomato from our garden, and a carrot.  If I was really lucky, my mother would have packed a treat, which of course would be consumed first.  

Once in a while, I would be treated to school lunch, and on those few times I remember being disappointed.  The school's rolls and mashed potatoes with gravy oozing down the sides looked so good, but when I bit into it, it paled in comparison with what I would be served at home.  But I still wanted the school lunch, despite it's flavor, because that is what my friends had.  And peanut butter and honey sandwiches were getting old and boring.

Now that I am a mother, I have lofty hopes and dreams for my children.  I have labored teaching my children about proper nutrition and do not want that knowledge to be pushed to the side by the unhealthy habits of the rest of the nation.  Or school district for that matter.  My children know what foods are good for their bodies.  They know which foods have bad things in them.  Then know what the healthy foods do for us.  And I intend to practice what I teach them.  

In doing, I know that I walk a difficult line.  They understand the health reasons for bringing lunch from home.  And yet, I know they will be drawn to want school lunch, just like all their friends are having.  Last year I got to eat frequently with Keith in his preschool, and more often that not would find nothing edible and would go home and make us a lunch.  It is despicable what they are feeding our children and then expecting them to preform well in school.  

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Despite the hurdles I know lie ahead, I plan on making both my husband and children delicious and healthy meals to take with them when they go to school or work.  They will be well fed, well nourished and be able to concentrate and preform to their optimal ability (assuming they are getting the rest and exercise their bodies need).  Here I will post the lunches I make for them.  Any ideas I may have, and tips for having a lunch that will make all the other kids at school jealous of the nutritious and delicious home lunch.


Terra said...

One of my daughters loves raw foods, I often would send her with salad, with cucumbers and green onions cut up in it - I found little bottles at the container store for putting the dressing in so she can pour it on when she gets to lunch, fruit is also big in her world - cantelope or strawberries usually. I struggle on the protien for her so either apples with peanut butter or cheese to sneak in some protein! I can't wait to see what youpack!

Jenny said...

I always liked the mooshy rolls at school. We mostly bought though. Pretty much the same lunch as you had except substitute a small, bruised apple for the pepper and tomato. ha!